Korea is very much a schizophrenia for me. Its culture, values, and ideas are radically different. This is about my one year stay as an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher in Busan, South Korea. Eating the K-food, riding the K-train, meeting the K-people: life in the K-hole.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Oy vhey. I've not updated all week. I will partly blame it on the fact that I don't have internet at my apartment yet, but that will change this Saturday so expect more frequent posts. I have a few update ideas in my head; I want to talk about my school in more depth (with photos) and show what my neighborhood is like (again, with photos). Any other ideas? I'm sure I'll think of em.

Life has become pretty routine all of a sudden. There are some points during the day where I realize, "Holy shit I'm in Korea" but that's fading fast. I'm starting to get used to it here. Wake up, go to work, teach the same old lesson, talk with co-workers, go home, relax, eat, exercise, bed. Rinse and repeat. I'm way too tired during the weekdays to do much of anything else. But that's what the weekends are for.

Starting Saturday I will be taking Korean classes. Its worthwhile for obvious reasons; it'd be nice to say something to someone instead of just waving my hands around, hoping he or she knows English.

Tomorrow night I am going to the Vinyl Underground for some musica. I am being lured in by the promise of drum and bass. Mmmm. Lets see how the Koreans do it here. I can't wait.

The set probably won't be until 3AM-ish but I think it will be worth it. Even if it sucks it'll be nice to mingle with some folks who are into the same kind of music. I will feel pretty crappy for my first Korean lesson though. O well.

An-nyeong-hi-gye-se-yo for now.

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